Toxicity of nitrite to three species of freshwater invertebrates.

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2006
Authors:A. Alonso, Camargo J. A.
Journal:Environ Toxicol
Date Published:2006 Feb
Keywords:Amphipoda, Animals, Lethal Dose 50, Nitrites, planarians, Rivers, Spain, Water Pollutants, Chemical

Nitrite is a compound with a high toxicity to aquatic animals. Several anthropogenic pollution sources are increasing the concentrations of this component of the nitrogen cycle. Despite this toxicity, there is little available literature on its effects on freshwater invertebrates. Laboratory bioassays were performed to obtain data on the lethal effects of nitrite to three species of freshwater invertebrates: the planarian Polycelis felina and the amphipods Echinogammarus echinosetosus and Eulimnogammarus toletanus. The LC(50), LC(10), and LC(0.01) values (mg/L NO(2)--N) at 24, 48, 72, and 96 h were calculated for each species. E. toletanus and E. echinosetosus were the most sensitive species, with 96 h LC(50) values of 2.09 and 2.59 mg/L NO(2)--N, respectively. In contrast, the planarian P. felina showed a higher tolerance to nitrite, with a 96 h LC(50) value of 60.0 mg/L NO(2)--N. The obtained results were compared with the reported nitrite data for other freshwater invertebrates. This study may contribute to a more appropriate assessment of the ecological risk of this compound in freshwater ecosystems.

Alternate Journal:Environ. Toxicol.
Sun, 2017-03-26 16:13 -- Eduard
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