
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
M. Almuedo-Castillo, Salo, E., Adell, T.2011Dishevelled is essential for neural connectivity and planar cell polarity in planarians
T. Chong, Stary, J. M., Wang, Y., Newmark, P. A.2011Molecular markers to characterize the hermaphroditic reproductive system of the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea
A. J. Durston, Jansen, H. J., Rieden, P. I., Hooiveld, M. H.2011Hox collinearity—a new perspective
G. Kuales, Mulder, K., Glashauser, J., Salvenmoser, W., Takashima, S., Hartenstein, V., Berezikov, E., Salzburger, W., Ladurner, P.2011Boule-like genes regulate male and female gametogenesis in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano
G. Lauter, Soll, I., Hauptmann, G.2011Two-color fluorescent in situ hybridization in the embryonic zebrafish brain using differential detection systems
E. M. Lázaro, Harrath, A. Halim, Stocchino, G., Pala, M., Baguñà, J., Riutort, M.2011Schmidtea mediterranea phylogeography: an old species surviving on a few Mediterranean islands?
J. M. Martin-Duran, Romero R.2011Evolutionary implications of morphogenesis and molecular patterning of the blind gut in the planarian Schmidtea polychroa
J. C. Rink, Vu, H. T., A. Alvarado, S.2011The maintenance and regeneration of the planarian excretory system are regulated by EGFR signaling
T. Sandmann, Vogg, M. C., Owlarn, S., Boutros, M., Bartscherer, K.2011The head-regeneration transcriptome of the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea
M. L. Scimone, Srivastava, M., Bell, G. W., Reddien, P. W.2011A regulatory program for excretory system regeneration in planarians
J. H. Sir, Barr, A. R., Nicholas, A. K., Carvalho, O. P., Khurshid, M., Sossick, A., Reichelt, S., D’Santos, C., Woods, C. G., Gergely, F.2011A primary microcephaly protein complex forms a ring around parental centrioles
M. Vila-Farré, Sluys, R., Almagro, Í., Handberg-Thorsager, M., Romero, R.2011Freshwater planarians (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida) from the Iberian Peninsula and Greece: diversity and notes on ecology
D. E. Wagner, Wang, I. E., Reddien, P. W.2011Clonogenic neoblasts are pluripotent adult stem cells that underlie planarian regeneration
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith