
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
M. Kawakatsu, Froehlich, E. Maria, Jones, H. D., Ogren, R. E., Sasaki, G. - Y.2003Miscellaneous Papers on Turbellarians. II. Additions and corrections of the previous land planarian indices of the world (Turbellaria, Seriata, Tricladida, Terricola) - 11
M. Kawakatsu, Horikoshi, I., Akama, H.1972Report on freshwater planarians from the Izu Peninsula and the Izu Islands in Japan
M. Kawakatsu, Kim W. J.1966Morphological studies on the freshwater planarian, Dugesia japonica Ichikawa et Kawakatsu from Korea
M. Kawakatsu, Kim W. - J.1967Results of the speleological survey in South Korea 1966 VI. Freshwater planarians from limestone caves of South Korea
M. Kawakatsu, Mitchell R. W.1998Redescription of a North American freshwater planarian, Seidlia remota (Smith, 1988), with taxonomic notes on Seidlia and Polycelis species from the Far East and Central Asia
M. Kawakatsu, Mitchell R. W.1995Two new freshwater cavernicolous planarians (Turbellaria, Tricladida, Paludicola) from Sulawesi (Celebes), Indonesia
M. Kawakatsu, Mitchell R. W.1989Dugesia deharvengi sp.nov., a new troglobitic freshwater planarian from Tham Kubio Cave, Thailand (Turbellaria; Tricladida; Paludicola)
M. Kawakatsu, Miyazaki T.1972Effect of different fixatives on a common japanese freshwater planarian Dugesia japonica Ichikawa et Kawakatsu
M. Kawakatsu, Ogawara, G., Tarui, Y.1967Report on the ecological survey of freshwater planarians in Kyoto city and its adjacent district, Honshu
M. Kawakatsu, Ogren, R. E., Froehlich, E. M., Sasakil, G. Y.2001Additions and corrections of the previous land planarian indices of the world (Turbellaria, Seriata, Tricladida, Terricola)
M. Kawakatsu, Ogren, R. E., MUNIAPPAN, R.1992Resdescription of Platydemus manokwari de Beauchamp, 1962 Turbellaria: Tricladida: Terricola) from Guam and the Philippines
M. Kawakatsu, Oki, I., Tamura, S.1995Taxonomy and geographical distribution of Dugesia japonica and D. ryukyuensis in the Far East
M. Kawakatsu, Oki, I., Tamura, S., Sugino, H.1976Studies on the morphology, karyology and taxonomy of the japanese freshwater planarian Dugesia japonica Ichikawa et Kawakatsu, with a description of a new subspecies Dugesia japonica ryukyuensis subspec. nov.
M. Kawakatsu, Oki, I., Tamura, S., Yamayoshi, T.1985Reexamination of freshwater planarians found in tanks of tropical fishes in Japan, with a description of a new species, Dugesia austroasiatica sp. nov. (Turbellaria; Tricladida; Paludicola)
M. Kawakatsu, Oki, I., Tamura, S., Yamayoshi, T., Aditya, A. K.1983A new freshwater planarian from West Bengal, India (Turbellaria; Tricladida; Paludicola)
M. Kawakatsu, Sasaki, G. - Y., Ogren, R. E., Froehlich, E. Maria2002Additions and corrections of the previous land planarian indices of the world (Turbellaria, Seriata, Ticladida, Terricola)
M. Kawakatsu, Sluys, R., Ogren, R. E.2005Seven new species of land planarian from Japan and China (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Bipaliidae), with a morphological review of all Japanese bipaliids and a biogeographic overview of Far Eastern species
M. Kawakatsu, Sluys, R., Timoshkin, O. A., Naumova, T. V., Nishino, M., Takai, M.2001Redescription of Japanese Bdellocephala annandalei from Lake Biwa-ko with comparative redescription of the Far Eastern and Kamchatkan Bdellocephala species (Tricladida, Paludicola)
M. Kawakatsu, Tamura, S., Yamayoshi, T., Oki, I.1980The freshwater planarians from Thailand and South India
M. Kawakatsu, Wong M. H.1975The fresh water planaria from Hong-Kong
R. Kenk1989Revised list of the North American freshwater planarians (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Paludicola)
R. Kenk1987Freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of North America. XVI: More on subterranean species of Phagocata of the Eastern United States
R. Kenk1984Freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of North America. XV: Two new subterranean species from the Appalachian region
R. Kenk1982Freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of North America. XIII. Phagocata hamptonae, new species, from Nevada
R. Kenk1979Freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of North America. XI. Phagocata holleri, new species, from a cave in North Carolina
R. Kenk1978The planarians (Turbellaria: Tricladida, Paludicola) of Lake Ohrid in Macedonia
R. Kenk1977Freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of North America. X. Three new species of Phagocata from the eastern United States
R. Kenk1977Freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of North America, IX. The genus Sphalloplana
R. Kenk1975Freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of North America. VIII. Dugesia arizonensis, new species
R. Kenk1974Index to the genera and species of the freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of the world
R. Kenk1973Freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of North America. V. The genus Polycelis
R. Kenk1972Freshwater planarians (Turbellaria) of North America
R. Kenk1970Freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of North America. II. New or little known species of Phagocata
R. Kenk1969Freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of North America. I. The genus Planaria
R. Kenk1953The fresh-water triclads (Turbellaria) of Alaska
R. Kenk1944The fresh-water triclads of Michigan
R. Kenk1941Induction of sexuality in the asexual form of Dugesia tigrina (Girard)
R. Kenk1941A fresh-water triclad from Puerto Rico, Dugesia antillana, new species
R. Kenk1940A new Dendrocoelum from Yugoslavia (Turbellaria Tricladida)
R. Kenk1936Bemerkung zur Trikladenfauna Turkestans
R. Kenk1935Studies on Virginian triclads
R. Kenk1930Beiträge zum system der probursalier (Tricladida Paludicola)
R. Kenk1930Euplanaria cretica Meixner, eine Triklade mit eigentuamlichem Druesenorgan
R. Kenk1927Eine eigentuemliche Verdoppelung des Kopulationsaparates bei Polycelis tenuis Ijima
R. Kenk1926Une nouvelle Triclade paludicole de Slovenie
R. Kenk1925Dendrocoelides spelaea n.sp., nov jamski triklad (Turbellaria, Tricladida) iz Slovenije
R. Kenk1923Die Entwicklung und Regeneration des Kopulations apparates der Planarien
R. Kenk1922Die normale und regenerative Entwicklung des Copulationsapparates paludicoler Tricladen
R. Kenk, Seliskar A.1931Etudes sur l’ecologie de la faune cavernicole. I. Observations meteorologiques et hydrologiques dans la Podpeška jama 1929-1931
R. Kenk, Hamptom A. M.1982Freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of North America. XIV. Polycelis monticola, new species, from the Sierra Nevada Range in California


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith