
Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
M. Kawakatsu, Miyazaki T.1972Effect of different fixatives on a common japanese freshwater planarian Dugesia japonica Ichikawa et Kawakatsu
M. Kawakatsu, Mitchell R. W.1989Dugesia deharvengi sp.nov., a new troglobitic freshwater planarian from Tham Kubio Cave, Thailand (Turbellaria; Tricladida; Paludicola)
M. Kawakatsu, Mitchell R. W.1995Two new freshwater cavernicolous planarians (Turbellaria, Tricladida, Paludicola) from Sulawesi (Celebes), Indonesia
M. Kawakatsu, Mitchell R. W.1998Redescription of a North American freshwater planarian, Seidlia remota (Smith, 1988), with taxonomic notes on Seidlia and Polycelis species from the Far East and Central Asia
M. Kawakatsu, Kim W. - J.1967Results of the speleological survey in South Korea 1966 VI. Freshwater planarians from limestone caves of South Korea
M. Kawakatsu, Kim W. J.1966Morphological studies on the freshwater planarian, Dugesia japonica Ichikawa et Kawakatsu from Korea
M. Kawakatsu, Horikoshi, I., Akama, H.1972Report on freshwater planarians from the Izu Peninsula and the Izu Islands in Japan
M. Kawakatsu, Froehlich, E. Maria, Jones, H. D., Ogren, R. E., Sasaki, G. - Y.2003Miscellaneous Papers on Turbellarians. II. Additions and corrections of the previous land planarian indices of the world (Turbellaria, Seriata, Tricladida, Terricola) - 11
M. Kawakatsu, Froehlich, E. Maria, Jones, H. D., Kawakatsu, M., Kawakatsu, T.2014Article I. A list of publications on Japanese "Turbellarians" (2013) including titles of publications on foreign "turbellarians" written by the Japanese authors
M. Kawakatsu, Basil J. A.1975The freshwater planaria from South India
M. Kawakatsu, Asai, E., Yamada, T.1977Dendrocoelopsis ichikawai sp. nov., a new freshwater planarian from Rishiri Island in Hokkaido
M. Kawakatsu, Asai, E., Yamada, T.1978Bdellocephala borealis sp. nov., a new freshwater planarian from Rishiri and Okushiri islands off Hokkaido
M. Kawakatsu1968North American Triclad Turbellaria, 17: Freshwater planarians from Lake Tahoe
M. Kawakatsu1969Report on freshwater planaria from India
M. Kawakatsu1969An illustrated list of japanese freshwater planarians in color
M. Kawakatsu1972The freshwater planaria from the Philippines
M. Kawakatsu1972Report on Freshwater Planarians from Malaya and Thailand
M. Kawakatsu1973Report on freshwater planarians from Pakistan
M. Kawakatsu1973Report on freshwater planaria from Indonesia (Sumatra and Java)
M. Kawakatsu1973Additional notes on freshwater planarians from Lake Tahoe in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in North America
M. Kawakatsu1976The freshwater planarians from New Guinea and Malaya
M. Kawakatsu1985A note on the morphology of Bipalium kewense Moseley, 1878, and Bipalium adventitium Hyman, 1943 (Turbellaria, Tricladida, Terricola)
K. Katoh, Standley D. M.2013MAFFT multiple sequence alignment software version 7: improvements in performance and usability
K. Kato1943On freshwater planarians from Japan
K. Kato1950On some Turbellarians from Sanshi, North China
A. Guseinovic Kasymov1965Gidrofauna nizhnei Kury i Mingechaurskogo vodokhranilishcha
A. Karami, Tebyanian, H., Goodarzi, V., Shiri, S.2015Planarians: an In Vivo Model for Regenerative Medicine
M. Kalafatić, Kovacević, G., Franjević, D.2006Resistance of two planarian species to UV-irradiation
M. Kalafatić, Kopjar, N., Zrna, G., Zupan, I., Kovacević, G., Franjević, D.2004Karyological analysis of two allopatric populations of planarian Polycelis felina (Daly.) in Croatia
M. Kalafatić, Kopjar, N., Besendorfer, V.2004The impairments of neoblast division in regenerating planarian Polycelis felina (Daly.) caused by in vitro treatment with cadmium sulfate
K. H. Kaestner2000The hepatocyte nuclear factor 3 (HNF3 or FOXA) family in metabolism
T. Kaburaki1918Freshwater triclads from the basin of the Inlé Lake
T. Kaburaki1922On the terrestrial planarians from Japanese territories
T. Kaburaki1922Notes on some terrestrial planarians
T. Kaburaki1922On some Japanese freshwater triclads; with a note on the parallelism in their distribution in Europe and Japan
T. Kaburaki1925Planarians from the Andamans
J. - L. Justine, Winsor, L., Gey, D., Gros, P., Thévenot, J.2018Giant worms chez moi! Hammerhead flatworms (Platyhelminthes, Geoplanidae, Bipalium spp., Diversibipalium spp.) in metropolitan France and overseas French territories
J. - L. Justine, Winsor, L., Barrière, P., Fanai, C., Gey, D., Han, A. Wee Kien, La Quay-Velázquez, G., Lee, B. Paul Yi- Ha, Lefevre, J. - M., Meyer, J. - Y., Philippart, D., Robinson, D. G., Thévenot, J., Tsatsia, F.2015The invasive land planarian Platydemus manokwari (Platyhelminthes, Geoplanidae): records from six new localities, including the first in the USA
J. - L. Justine​, Winsor, L., Gey, D., Gros, P., Thévenot, J.2014The invasive New Guinea flatworm Platydemus manokwari in France, the first record for Europe: time for action is now
J. L. Justine2001Spermatozoa as phylogenetic characters for the Platyhelminthes
A. A. Jord, Lemaitre, A. I., Delgehyr, N., Faucourt, M., Spassky, N., Meunier, A.2014Centriole amplification by mother and daughter centrioles differs in multiciliated cells
H. D. Jones, Sterrer W.2005Terrestrial planarians (Platyhelminthes, with three new species) and nemertines of Bermuda
H. D. Jones, Sluys R.2016A new terrestrial planarian species of the genus Marionfyfea (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida) found in Europe
H. D. Jones, McDonald, J. C., Webster, B. L., Littlewood, T. D. J.2008Molecular and morphological evidence for two new species of terrestrial planarians of the genus Microplana (Platyhelminthes; Turbellaria; Tricladida; Terricola) from Europe
H. D. Jones, Johns, P. M., Winsor, L.1998The proposed synonymy of Parakontikia ventrolineata (Dendy, 1892) and Kontikia mexicana (Hyman, 1939) - what is a penis papilla?
H. D. Jones, Cumming M. S.2005A new land planarian species of the genus Othelosoma (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Terricola: Rhynchodemidae) from the eastern highlands of Zimbabwe
H. D. Jones1999A new genus and species of terrestrial planarian (Platyhelminthes; Tricladida; Terricola) from Scotland, and an emendation of the genus Artioposthia
P. M. Johns, Boag, B., Yeates, G. W.1998Observations on the geographic distribution of flatworms (Turbellaria: Rhynchodemidae, Bipaliidae, Geoplanidae) in New Zealand
P. M. Johns1998The New Zealand terrestrial flatworms: A 1997-98 perspective
R. Jeannel1961La Gondwanie et le peuplement de l’Afrique


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith