Microplana terrestris
Figs. 9-13. Microplana terrestris (Font Groga): 9, sagittal section illustrating the long conical penis papilla (P), the seminal vesicle (S) and the gonopore (G). Anterior part of the specimen towards the right, dorsal surface to the top and ventral surface to the bottom (scale bar 400 mm, BMNH catalogue number 1998.2.9.3); 10, sagittal section illustrating the enlarged vasa deferentia (D), the oviduct opening (O), the bursa copulatrix (C) and the penis bulb (E). Anterior part of the specimen towards the right, dorsal surface to the top and ventral surface to the bottom (scale bar 400 mm, BMNH catalogue number 1998.2.9.3); 11, sagittal section illustrating the female genital duct (V) and the bursa copulatrix (C). Anterior part of the body towards the right, dorsal surface to the top and ventral surface to the bottom. Note that this section is folded at the bottom of the specimen (scale bar 400 mm, BMNH catalogue number 1998.2.9.5); 12, sagittal section illustrating the ciliated bursa copulatrix (C) and the two genito-intestinal ducts (N). Anterior part of the body to the bottom, dorsal surface to the right and ventral surface to the left (scale bar 200 mm, BMNH catalogue number 1998.2.9.4). ); 13, sagittal section illustrating the genito-intestinal duct (N) and a detail of the ciliated epithelium (Z) in the intestine-bursa copulatrix contact zone. Anterior part of the specimen towards the top, dorsal surface to the left and ventral surface to the right (scale bar 100 mm, BMNH catalogue number 1998.2.9.5).
Published in:
Mateos, E., Giribet G., & Carranza S. (1998). Terrestrial planarians (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Terricola) from the Iberian peninsula: first records of the family Rhynchodemidae, with the description of a new Microplana species. Contributions to Zoology. 67, 267-276.
You can freely download the paper at: http://dpc.uba.uva.nl/ctz/vol67/nr04/art04
Photographer: Mateos, E., Giribet, G., & Carranza, S.. Publisher: SolĂ , Eduard.