Bipalium kewense attacking an earthworm
B. kewense, predation on earthworm.
The flatworm initiates here the process of ‘capping’ the anterior end of the earthworm. Observed reactions of the prey suggest that it is at this stage that the planarian secretes a toxin to reduce prey mobility (Stokes et al., 2014). The planarian also produces secretions from its headplate and body that adhere it to the prey, despite often sudden violent movements of the latter during this stage of capture.
Published and commented in:
Justine J, Winsor L, Gey D, Gros P, Thévenot J. (2018) Giant worms chez moi! Hammerhead flatworms (Platyhelminthes, Geoplanidae, Bipalium spp., Diversibipalium spp.) in metropolitan France and overseas French territories. PeerJ 6:e4672
Pierre Gros
Taxonomic name: