Phylogenetic position of Dendrocoelum lacteum (Tricladida) from the Balkan Lake Ohrid evidenced by allozyme data

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2006
Authors:T. Sywula, Krstanovski, Z., Biała, A., Wysocka, A., Kilikowska, A., Sell, J.
Pagination:212 - 218
Date Published:2006/3//
ISBN Number:0305-1978
Keywords:Allozymes, Dendrocoelum adenodactylosum, Dendrocoelum lacteum, Endemic species, Genetic relationships, Population genetics, Tricladida

To determine whether the Lake Ohrid population of Dendrocoelum lacteum is significantly genetically distant from the Central European populations of this species, the allozyme variation was studied. Phylogenetic analysis of isozyme electrophoretic data indicated that the D. lacteum populations from Central Europe exhibit a closer relationship to Dendrocoelum adenodactylosum from Lake Ohrid (used as a reference species) than to their conspecific population from this lake. The allozyme data support the suggestion that D. lacteum from Lake Ohrid could be classified as a distinct species.

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