The first troglobitic species of freshwater flatworm of the suborder Continenticola (Platyhelminthes) from South America

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2015
Authors:S. Teles de Souza, Morais, A. Laura Nune, Cordeiro, L. Medeiros, Leal-Zanchet, A. Maria
Date Published:12/01/2015
ISBN Number:1313-29891313-2970

Brazilian cave diversity, especially of invertebrates, is poorly known. The Bodoquena Plateau, which is located in the Cerrado Biome in central Brazil, has approximately 200 recorded caves with a rich system of subterranean water resources and high troglobitic diversity. Herein we describe a new troglobitic species of Girardia that represents the first obligate cave-dwelling species of the suborder Continenticola in South America. Specimens of the new species, which occur in a limestone cave in the Bodoquena Plateau, in the Cerrado biome, are unpigmented and eyeless. Species recognition in the genus Girardia is difficult, due to their great morphological resemblance. However, the new species can be easily recognized by a unique feature in its copulatory apparatus, namely a large, branched bulbar cavity with multiple diverticula.

Short Title:ZK
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