A collagenase in extracts of the invertebrate Bipalium kewense

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1973
Authors:J. Phillips, Dresden M. H.
Journal:Biochemical Journal
Pagination:329 - 334
Date Published:1973/06/
ISBN Number:0264-60211470-8728

The localization, isolation and partial characterization of a collagenolytic enzyme from the land planarian Bipalium kewense is described. This enzyme can be obtained by direct extraction of the organism, and can be separated from non-collagenous proteolytic activity by (NH(4))(2)SO(4) precipitation and Sephadex-gel chromatography. Its mode of attack on collagen and sensitivity to a variety of inhibitors indicate that this enzyme differs from vertebrate collagenases and a previously described invertebrate collagenase. IMAGES:

Short Title:Biochem J
Tue, 2017-03-21 22:43 -- Eduard
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