The impairments of neoblast division in regenerating planarian Polycelis felina (Daly.) caused by in vitro treatment with cadmium sulfate

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2004
Authors:M. Kalafatić, Kopjar, N., Besendorfer, V.
Journal:Toxicol In Vitro
Date Published:2004 Feb
Keywords:Animals, Biological Assay, Cadmium Compounds, Cell Division, Chromosome Aberrations, Croatia, Dose-Response Relationship, Drug, Drug Evaluation, Preclinical, Female, Forecasting, Mitosis, Mitotic Index, Mortality, Oxygen Consumption, planarians, regeneration, Sulfates, Survival, Time Factors

The effects of cadmium sulfate on the neoblast mitotic activity in regenerating planarian Polycelis felina (Daly.) were investigated. Mitotic abnormalities and chromosomal aberrations were evaluated after 6-h treatment and 24-h recovery period. The blastema were fixed, and examined cytologically through routine lactoorceine squash preparations. Mitotic indices were also determined. Cadmium sulfate induced a dose-dependent decrease in neoblast mitotic activity, accompanied with disturbances in distribution of cells over mitotic phases. Different cytological abnormalities with varying frequency were observed. Marked mitotic depression was concentration-dependent. Toxic effects of cadmium in regenerating planarian were mainly associated with mitotic spindle disturbances. Immediately after treatment mitotic abnormalities were prevalent over chromosomal and C-mitosis was the most prominent one. After 24-h recovery period a prevalence of mitotic over chromosomal aberrations was still present in animals treated with two higher concentrations of cadmium sulfate. However, the proportions of cells with chromosome stickiness in all treated animals were significantly increased compared to their post-treatment values. Observed mitotic impairments could be related to mitotic arrest contributing to retardations and delays, especially in animals treated with the highest concentration tested. The results obtained indicated usefulness of short term invertebrate assays as an alternative to in vitro pre-screening of toxic chemicals.

Alternate Journal:Toxicol In Vitro
Sun, 2017-03-26 15:47 -- Eduard
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