
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
E. G. F. Benya, Leal-Zanchet, A. M., Hauser, J.2017Polyploidy as a chromosomal component of stochastic noise: variable scalar multiples of the diploid chromosome complement in the invertebrate species Girardia schubarti from Brazil.
E. L. Davies, Lei, K., Seidel, C. W., Kroesen, A. E., McKinney, S. A., Guo, L., Robb, S. Mc, Ross, E. J., Gotting, K., Alvarado, A. Sanchez2017Embryonic origin of adult stem cells required for tissue homeostasis and regeneration.
M. J. Hayes2017Sulphated glycosaminoglycans support an assortment of planarian rhabdite structures
K. Kobayashi, Maezawa, T., Tanaka, H., Onuki, H., Horiguchi, Y., Hirota, H., Ishida, T., Horiike, K., Agata, Y., Aoki, M., Hoshi, M., Matsumoto, M.2017The identification of ᴅ-tryptophan as a bioactive substance for postembryonic ovarian development in the planarian Dugesia ryukyuensis
J. M. Martin-Duran, Ryan, J. F., Vellutini, B., Pang, K., Hejnol, A.2017Increased taxon sampling reveals thousands of hidden orthologs in flatworms
E. Meddeb, Charni, M., Ghazouani, T., Cozzolino, A., Fratianni, F., Raboudi, F., Nazzaro, F., Fattouch, S.2017Biochemical and Molecular Study of Carpobrotus edulis Bioactive Properties and Their Effects on Dugesia sicula (Turbellaria, Tricladida) Regeneration
Q. Pang, Gao, L., Bai, Y., Deng, H., Han, Y., Hu, W., Zhang, Y., Yuan, S., Sun, W., Lu, Y., Zhang, X., Liu, B., Zhao, B.2017Identification and characterization of a novel multifunctional placenta specific protein 8 in Dugesia japonica
I. Rossi, Leal-Zanchet A.2017Three new species of Cratera Carbayo et al., 2013 from Araucaria forests with a key to species of the genus (Platyhelminthes, Continenticola)
A. González-Sastre, De Sousa, N., Adell, T., Salo, E.2017The pioneer factor Smed-gata456-1 is required for gut cell differentiation and maintenance in planarians.
R. Sluys, Neumann, M., DE Lima, R. F., Drewes, R. C.2017Land flatworms (Platyhelminthes, Geoplanidae) of São Tomé: a first account on their diversity, with the description of five new species.
L. Laure Tsoumtsa, Torre, C., Trouplin, V., Coiffard, B., Gimenez, G., Mege, J. - L., Ghigo, E.2017Antimicrobial capacity of the freshwater planarians against S. aureus is under the control of Timeless
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith