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Microplana kwiskea Jones, 2008
Subfamily: MicroplaninaeGenus: Microplana
Live animals are up to 2.5 cm long and about 2 mm in diameter at the widest point when extended. When contracted they are about 6 mm long and 3 mm wide. They are cylindrical and taper towards the anterior and posterior ends both of which are blunt. They are a uniform mid-brown (khaki) colour, even ventrally. There is a creeping sole mid-ventrally in the form a narrow ridge. Observations on creeping animals through transparent tubes showed little muscular distortion of the sole suggesting that locomotion is primarily by means of the cilia of the sole. Two small eyes, visible as black spots, are present at the anterior end. Otherwise there are no markings or orifices visible on live specimens. The mouth (pharyngeal aperture) is about 8 mm from the anterior end (44% of body length) and the gonopore is about 12 mm from the anterior end (67%), but these must be regarded as approximate due to contraction. The gonopore in the remaining preserved specimens and in the sectioned specimens is raised and prominent with a slightly protruded penis, presumably from muscular contraction at fixation. The general anatomy is typically rhynchodemid. The gut is triclad and there is a cylindrical pharynx. The wall of the pharynx is about 200 μm thick.